Sunday, 21 October 2012

Stephen Hawking believes he has proved there is no Creator

I was watching a program where Stephen Hawking believes he has proved there is no Creator and in fact that the universe - i.e, the Big Bang - "burst spontaneously" (my term) into being of its own accord.  How?  Apparently because Time did not exist UNTIL the Big Bang, which, according to Hawking means God could not exist either.........hope you follow what I'm understanding has always been that God is "outside" of time.........although I do wonder if, the Deity is described as (Paul Tillich) the Ground of Being, or Ultimate Reality, and the universe IS reality, how could God be its "ground" before it existed? 

This is getting confusing.

Response: Yes Hawking is a good scientist but very confused as a philosopher/theologian. It’s like saying that Shakespeare couldn’t have existed before his plays were written.

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