Sunday, 7 October 2012

How can God justify sending finite sinners to infinite punishment

How can God justify sending finite sinners to infinite punishment in hell especially those who have never heard about Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection? Why wouldn't God just let them cease to exist instead of experiencing eternal punishment?

Response:God offers us the free gift or Eternal Life is life in perfect loving union with God. No-one deserves this and it is not compulsory.

Because this is an infinite good which surpasses our understanding, to miss this is necessarily and infinite loss. This is what "eternal punishment" seems to mean.

It has always been Christian teaching that those who have never heard about Jesus are not beyond God's loving redemption. Exactly how this all works is of course a mystery - we don't even know what makes up 97% of the mass of the Universe and there is no reason why we should know how God works beyond time.

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