Sunday, 27 February 2011

judgment and the resulting existence or nonexistence after death

My question concerns judgment and the resulting existence or nonexistence after death, in particular the necessity, in Christian doctrine as I understand it, for the occurrance of faith, or commitment to God/Christ, or acceptance of/ belief in salvation within a particular person's mind (and of less importance, actions) to determine whether his soul unites with God/’goes to heaven’ or not. How does a frame of mind (eg. Belief/non belief) determine the material (or immaterial) placement of a soul after death? I am assuming here that we are 'not justifid by works' but 'by faith'. If the Creator and creation are one, and God re-unites with his creation, then everything/everyone must by definition be included as part of that unity. If everything is not included , then once this (partial?) unity has occurred within or with God and his created universe, where is there room for all the rest (ie non believers, etc)? If they are included, what do we make of God’s judgment as described in the New Testament by ‘separation’?

We discuss universalism in Questions of Truth. Loving union with God cannot be compulsory, but equally God will save everyone He can – and that is presumably quite a lot!

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