Sunday, 27 February 2011

Defintion of "God"

Before one can debate the existence of the divine ie. god, one must understand the definition of "god". I understand the word "god" to be an abstract like "love" ,"justice" ,etc, therefore, the definition eludes universal clarity and acceptance. With so many people having many definitions of "god", how can anyone come to a universal agreement as to what god is, much less debate whether or not he exists? How is "God" in your understanding defined? and how can it be considered valid, with so much disagreement over what is meant by the word "God"

NB Response: I think the simplest philosophical “definition” of God is The Ultimate Creator.
Christians, and I think almost all theists, believe that anything that exists or has existed and is logically capable of having been caused was created directly or indirectly by God. (as the Bible puts it “through him all things were made, and without him was not anything made that was made”)

It is perfectly obvious that either there is no Ultimate Creator or there is exactly one, and that the question “who created God” is meaningless. Equally God is not an “abstract noun” but the creative ground of our entire being, and that God can hardly be less than a person, though may of course be more than a person. He is certainly not an “abstract noun”!

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